An update... it only took 32 days

Looks like I got some explaining to do.

So I'm a "bit" late with the update. I apologize for that but I had other things come up and was not able to finish it.

But the update is finished. Sorry for being late.

when I work on a level I don't keep it unless I think its interesting or worth developing more.

as of now i have probably tried creating at least 25 different levels and I have only saved 9 of them. So rather than create any more im going finish up the 9 I have.

So here's the change log

added a new level.(its entrance is a bit weird to find)

added a song.

Experimenting with using mixed rather than real time lighting to increase frame rate.

Don't expect the next update for a while, i've set no hard deadline for it.

that's all for now.

Files Play in browser
Aug 26, 2018

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